Turku’s Bishop Bero and Uppsala’s archbishop Henrik have made a declaration in fall of 1396. In the declaration they state that the ones who believe, and visit Turku’s cathedral in Sunday’s pilgrimage, or were at the cathedral till the church hymn during the evening prayer, receive a 40 day indulgence, a liberation on the reconciliation work on Earth or the Purgatory. An additional condition of the indulgence is a visit to Turku and neighborhood’s churches and hospitals on set dates.
Medieval Turku invites everyone to follow the footprints of medieval pilgrims. The pilgrimage targets have specialist guides. The walks are approximately between a few hundred metres to three kilometres. The pace is calm, and is fit for everyone no matter the fitness level.
Departure every day at the steps of the Cathedral at 16.00. Note! The departure is at 16.30 on Thursday .
Mon 24.6. Saint Katarina’s Church
Tue 25.6. Turku’s Cathedral
Wed 26.6. St. George’s Hospital’s site
Thu 27.6. Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Fri 28.6. Site of the Dominican Convent
Sat 29.6. Saint Mary’s church
Su 30.6. Evening Vespers at Turku’s Cathedral at 18.00
Attend through the link below for one or more Pilgrimages till 16.5. at 16.00: https://forms.gle/CHvrUNhFLNq6MxsD8 . Attending is free. Everyone attending the pilgrimages can redeem a pilgrimage mark for 8 €. Inform us, if you wish to redeem a mark for yourself.
The Pilgrimage is arranged with the cooperation of Pyhiinvaellus liikkeessä -project: https://sites.utu.fi/pyhiinvaellus/.